Anora Allianz远景智能 合作促进再生能源领域增长

Published by China Press

Anora AgencyAllianz普通保险(马)有限公司日前与全球低碳和人工智能(AloT)技术的领导者──远景智能(Envision Digital),一起签署谅解备忘录以促进再生能源领域的增长。









Enquiry Form

Choose type of Insurance:

Contact details:

*mandatory fields are required to enable our team to attend to your query

Corporate Solutions Enquiry

Choose type of Insurance:

Contact details:

*mandatory fields are required to enable our team to attend to your query

Preferred Services Enquiry

Choose type of Insurance:

Contact details:

*mandatory fields are required to enable our team to attend to your query

SolarPro Form

Part 1: Particulars

Part 2: Details of Solar PV System
leave blank if same as above

Part 3: Plan Selection

*mandatory fields are required to enable the insurer to accurately issue the policy

SolarPro Enquiry Form

Part 1: Particulars

Part 2: Details of Solar PV System
leave blank if same as above

Part 3: Plan Selection

*mandatory fields are required to enable the insurer to accurately issue the policy

SolarPro Enquiry Form

Contact details:
Insured site details:

*mandatory fields are required to enable our team to attend to your query and issue an accurate quotation